There IS a Difference...

In the pressure wash industry there are varying levels of usage and that usage will help to determine your equipment needs. Let's explore some common terms that relate to usage.
Consumer $$
This type of user is typically a homeowner. This user will most likely purchase a unit from a local big box store like Home Depot or Lowes or Harbor Freight. The units are typically direct drive units with a smaller horsepower engines and pumps that are rated for a maximum 50 hours lifetime usage.
Prosumer $$$
This type of user is still most often a homeowner or a property owner that is fastidious about the appearance of their property. This user may purchase a unit from a specialty hardware store. The units are typically direct drive but these units have a little larger horsepower engine and a little stronger pump which allows this type of user to use it more often and still have good operational performance. While the pump ratings on these type of units is a bit better, these pumps are still not in the same performance category as a professional pump.
Professional $$$$
This type of user utilizes the equipment as a business and a source of income. This user may purchase a unit that is either direct drive or belt drive with a QUALITY larger horsepower engine (Honda, Briggs and Stratton, Kohler, Vanguard) and QUALITY pump. This user may operate the equipment 20-40 PER WEEK.
As you are determining your equipment needs, consider your anticipated use. That usage level will help determine the appropriate equipment match. Pressure wash equipment comes in a variety of price ranges and the price will usually match the strength and durability of the individual components. If the price is cheap, then the equipment is probably cheap. If you are a Consumer, cheap will work just fine. If you are a Professional, cheap will not last.
If you have questions about your needs, don't hesitate to touch base with us and we can help determine your best matches.
- Kimberlee Handl
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