In many areas of the country, reclaim has become a hot topic and in many cases, it is needed. Although many of our soaps and cleaners are environmentally friendly, some are not friendly at all! Considering that many of these chemicals can eventually find their way into a stream or waterway, it is important to follow your local ordinance regarding waste water to ensure compliance. Compliance will help you avoid fines and penalties and protect our waterways, fish, wildlife, plant life and so much more. Please refer to the Clean Water Act.
In many areas of the country, compliance with environmental regulations may only require waste water to be diverted, using sand-snakes or some other means of diversion, to the grassy areas around a home or structure. Some areas will require all waste water to be reclaimed and dumped in a sanitary sewer system or approved dumping station. And in others, you may not be required to do anything. Compliance with your local regulations DOES NOT NECESSARILY require huge investments for new equipment.