News – Page 3 – North American Pressure Wash Outlet


Your Responsibilities as a Customer....

Your Responsibilities as a Customer.... 0

Yes....just like you expect your customers to complete their pre-cleaning checklist ( water on, pets inside, access to water, windows closed, check in the mailbox, etc.), we expect you to complete your checklist so that we can assist you in the best possible way. do have to participate in this process if you want it to go smoothly. 

What can you do to help us help you better?

1. Have the Basics.....

Our staff work with customers that are literally around the globe. It's important to know the basics about your equipment such as the equipment manufacturer, a model number, GPM and PSI. Usually with these pieces of information, we can locate any part associated with your equipment. Without the basic information, it can be a crap-shoot and that isn't beneficial to either of us. 

Keep in mind, that some pressure wash systems, have pumps and parts that are private-labeled which actually makes finding the correct replacement part a little more challenging. But the more information you have, the easier it can make the process.

2. Name the Parts.....

Most pressure wash systems contain similar parts likes an engine or some power source, a pump, a pressure unloader, hoses, trigger gun, nozzles and a few others. It's not imperative that you are an equipment expert; it is extremely helpful to you and to us when you can at least identify the part as in many cases, this is half the battle. It's tough to determine if "that brass piece" refers to the nozzle, a fitting, a valve or something else.

3. Don't Assume.....

I went to Catholic school with the nuns and I can still remember the lesson about spelling the word "assuming"....something about making an ass out of you and me.

We don't make assumptions. We don't second-guess your choices when it comes to replacement parts. If you call with a part number and place an order, the order is processed. If you are unsure about your equipment, call and talk to a staff member so that we can ask questions to ensure you are ordering the correct part.

4. Check the Part.....

When you receive a part, check it BEFORE you install it. Are there any manufacturer defects that should be noted? Is it the correct part that you ordered? Many parts have manufacturer warranty periods so the sooner we can address an issue, the better chances we have to advocate on behalf of you.

Compare this to your business.  You clean a property and the customer calls back 90 days later and says you missed a spot.  What do you do?

5. Consider a Back-up Plan....

One of our core company values is Customer Service. We aim to become a part of your team making your life easier and certainly not harder. When your equipment is down, your business is down and that means a loss of revenue and income. As business owners, we have our experts that handle certain business functions that we don't want to or just can't handle like our computer and networking equipment. If those systems are down, it can be devastating for us which is why we have secondary and back-up systems. As your business grows, consider a back-up plan (like a rental) or a another unit.

6. Use Pictures and Video....

Because we deal with a global customer-base, we don't always have the luxury of having access to your machine. But with technology, we can do a lot of in-field trouble-shooting from pictures and video. Don't be afraid to use these tools. Help us help you better.

Thank you for the opportunities you give us daily to assist you. Every once in awhile, we encounter a customer who is unhappy. And while we want to solve problems, some aren't in our control. Our mission is to assist your company but we can't run it for you although we can be hired for on-site efficiency auditing!

Have a great day and remember that communication goes a long, long way. Never be afraid to ask questions....even the stupid ones...because at some point...all of us were new to the industry and had those same questions. It's important to remember that feeling and lend a helping hand when you can.

Let us know how we can assist you!


  • Kimberlee Handl