Mosmatic Commercial Surface Cleaners can be used with cold and warm water applications. This popular surface cleaner is a top performer and is perfect for cleaning parking lots, gas stations, school yards, entry ways, etc.
The centerpiece of a Mosmatic Surface Cleaner is its swivel. It is reinforced with self-lubricating, stainless steel ball bearings with a carbide gasket system. They are specially designed for high revolutions ensuring long lasting durability.
The turbo rotary arm must withstand high revolutions, so a precision robot takes over the necessary welding tasks. The rotary arm also counterbalances and precisely equilibrated, which prevents dangerous vibrations.
The brush ring prevents splashing and injuries from loose pebbles. It is soft and elastic but extremely effective thanks to the thickness of the bristles. The INOX castors allow the surface cleaner to be easily manoeuvered saving you time and energy.